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Our goal is to describe the variations of these scaling factors with latitude and elevation, which are the main parameters controlling the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides at the Earth surface.

The first thing we have to do is to load the TCNtools library (once it has been installed).


Time-independent scaling

We are going to present the most widely used and simplest scaling scheme known as Lal-Stone and often abbreviated as st. The main equations are presented in the reference article by Stone (2000) .

Site characteristics

We first need to define some parameters concerning the site of interest :

  • latitude lat in degrees
  • altitude z in meters (can be a vector or a scalar)
  • longitude lon in degrees, this is not used for st scaling (Stone (2000)), just in case we want to compute atmospheric pressure according to ERA40 (Uppala et al. (2005)).
lat = 30 # latitude
lon = 30 # longitude
z = seq(0,3000,by=100) # vector from 0 to 3000 m by 100 m increments

Now we can compute the atmospheric pressure, with the function atm_pressure according to the two models available, and then plot for comparison. Here z is a vector to see the variations over a range of elevations.

To get information about the usage of the function used here (for example what are the different models) type ?atm_pressure in the R console.

plot(P1,z,type="l",xlab="Pressure (hPa)",ylab="Altitude (m)")
legend("topright",c("Stone 2000","ERA40"),lty=c(1,2))

Computation of scaling factors

We can now compute the scaling factors according to Stone (2000). Same as above, to get some information about the function (parameters definition) type ?st_scaling in the R console.

st = scaling_st(P1,lat) # here we use the pressure according to Stone 2000 model

The result is stored in st as a dataframe with as many rows as there are elements in the input pressure vector (P1) and two columns named Nneutrons and Nmuons, for the spallogenic and muogenic contributions, respectively.

We can plot the evolution with elevation, wich illustrates the major influence of altitude of the sampling site in controlling the local production rate.

     xlab="Spallogenic st scaling factor (Stone 2000)",ylab="Altitude (m)",
     main=paste("Latitude ",lat,"°",sep=""))

Global variations

In order to get a better idea of the variations with both latitude (from 0 to 90°) and elevation (from sea level to 3000 m) we can try the following plot.

P=atm_pressure(alt=0,model="stone2000") # compute pressure
lat = seq(0,90,by=1) # latitude vector
n = length(lat) # size of vector
st = scaling_st(P,lat) # compute scaling
     xlab="Latitude (°)",ylab="Spallogenic st scaling factor (Stone 2000)")
text(lat[n],st$Nneutrons[n],"0 km",cex=0.5,adj=0) # put label at the end of curve
for (z in seq(500,3000,by=500)){ # loop on elevations : same as above for a range of elevations
  st = scaling_st(P,lat) 

This dependance of the scaling factor on latitude is a direct consequence of the dipole nature structure of the Earth magnetic field, with a higher cosmic rays flux at high latitude.

Time-dependent scalings

Definition of paleomagnetic variations

Time-dependent scaling factors allow to take into account the variations through time of the Earth magnetic field, which modulates the incoming cosmic ray flux.

Virtual Dipole Moment

We need to first define a time series for the Virtual Dipole Moment (VDM) variation, using the get_vdm function.

Several paleomagnetic database can be used. The three options correspond to databases defined in Crep. We plot the three of them on the same graph.

time = seq(0,5e4,length.out = 1000) # time vector from 0 to 50 ka BP, with 1000 regularly spaced elements
plot(NA,xlim=range(time),ylim=c(0,16),xlab="Time (a BP)",ylab="VDM (10^22 A.m^2)")
# - Glopis
# 2 - Musch
col2 = "chartreuse"
# 3 - lsd
col3 = "cornflowerblue"

Cutoff Rigidity

Now we need to convert that into cutoff rigidity using vdm2rc function. Such can be done using the following expression (Martin et al. (2017)): \[R_c = 14.3 \frac{M}{M_0}\cos^4 \lambda,\] where \(M\) is the moment of the Earth dipole field, \(M_0\) the 2010 reference value for \(M\) and \(\lambda\) the latitude. This corresponds to the default model=elsasser54 in the vdm2rc function arguments. A more complex formula proposed by Lifton, Sato, and Dunai (2014) can be used with model=lifton14.

lat = 40
rc1a = vdm2rc(vdm1,lat)
rc1b = vdm2rc(vdm1,lat,model="lifton14")
rc2a = vdm2rc(vdm2,lat)
rc2b = vdm2rc(vdm2,lat,model="lifton14")
rc3a = vdm2rc(vdm3,lat)
rc3b = vdm2rc(vdm3,lat,model="lifton14")
plot(NA,xlim=range(time),ylim=range(rc1a,rc2a,na.omit(rc3a)),xlab="Time (a BP)",ylab="Rc (GV)")

Lal/Stone modified scaling (lm)

Once we have a \(R_c\) time series we can compute the lm scaling factors using the scaling_lm function. For that we will only use one elevation (z=0), so we recompute the atmospheric pressure. We plot the corresponding time series, as well as the value of st scaling factor for reference.

P = atm_pressure(alt=0,model="stone2000")
lm = scaling_lm(P,rc1a)
plot(time,lm,type="l",xlab="Time (a BP)",ylab="Spallogenic lm scaling factor")

LSD scaling (sa and sf)


Lifton, Nathaniel, Tatsuhiko Sato, and Tibor J. Dunai. 2014. “Scaling in Situ Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates Using Analytical Approximations to Atmospheric Cosmic-Ray Fluxes.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 386: 149–60.
Martin, L. C. P., P.-H. Blard, G. Balco, J. Lavé, R. Delunel, N. Lifton, and V. Laurent. 2017. “The CREp Program and the ICE-D Production Rate Calibration Database: A Fully Parameterizable and Updated Online Tool to Compute Cosmic-Ray Exposure Ages.” Quaternary Geochronology 38 (March): 25–49.
Stone, John O. 2000. “Air Pressure and Cosmogenic Isotope Production.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B10): 23753–59.
Uppala, S. M., P. W. KÅllberg, Adrian J. Simmons, U. Andrae, V. Da Costa Bechtold, M. Fiorino, J. K. Gibson, et al. 2005. “The ERA-40 Re-Analysis.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 131 (612): 2961–3012.