This function compute spallation and muons scaling factors according to Equations 2 and 3 from Stone (2000)

scaling_st(P, lat)



pressure (hPa)


Latitude (deg)


#> function (P, lat) 
#> {
#>     lat = abs(lat)
#>     Vlat = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
#>     Va = c(31.8518, 34.3699, 40.3153, 42.0983, 56.7733, 69.072, 
#>         71.8733)
#>     Vb = c(250.3193, 258.4759, 308.9894, 512.6857, 649.1343, 
#>         832.4566, 863.1927)
#>     Vc = c(-0.083393, -0.089807, -0.106248, -0.120551, -0.160859, 
#>         -0.199252, -0.207069)
#>     Vd = c(7.426e-05, 7.9457e-05, 9.4508e-05, 0.00011752, 0.00015463, 
#>         0.00019391, 0.00020127)
#>     Ve = c(-2.2397e-08, -2.3697e-08, -2.8234e-08, -3.8809e-08, 
#>         -5.033e-08, -6.3653e-08, -6.6043e-08)
#>     VM = c(0.587, 0.6, 0.678, 0.833, 0.933, 1, 1)
#>     a = approx(Vlat, Va, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     b = approx(Vlat, Vb, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     c = approx(Vlat, Vc, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     d = approx(Vlat, Vd, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     e = approx(Vlat, Ve, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     Nneutrons = a + (b * exp(-1 * P/150)) + (c * P) + (d * P^2) + 
#>         (e * P^3)
#>     M = approx(Vlat, VM, xout = lat, rule = 2, method = "linear")$y
#>     Nmuons = M * exp((1013.25 - P)/242)
#>     res = data.frame(Nneutrons, Nmuons)
#>     return(res)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x56376e4b9bd0>
#> <environment: namespace:TCNtools>