Compute steady state denudation and constant exposure curves for two-nuclides plots
production and decay parameters for the first nuclide (4 elements vector) p[1] -> unscaled spallation production rate (at/g/a) p[2] -> unscaled stopped muons production rate (at/g/a) p[3] -> unscaled fast muons production rate (at/g/a) p[4] -> decay constant (1/a)
production and decay parameters for the first nuclide (4 elements vector)
scaling factors (2 elements vector) S[1] -> scaling factor for spallation S[2] -> scaling factor for muons
density (g/cm3)
range of denudation rates (m/Ma, optional, default 0.1-1000 m/Ma), two elements vector
range of exposure ages (a, optional, default 100-10e6 a), two elements vector
number of evaluation points (optional default 100)
Attenuation length (3 elements vector) L[1] -> neutrons L[2] -> stopped muons L[3] -> fast muons
a list with two dataframes containing the concentrations for the two nuclides as a function of denudation rate or exposure age