Compute protons flux using the analytical formulation of Sato et al. (2008)

sato_protons(h, Rc, s)



atmospheric pressure (hPa)


cutoff rigidity (GV)


solar modulation potential


Adaption of matlab code from Lifton et al. (2014)

Lifton, N., Sato, T., & Dunai, T. J. (2014). Scaling in situ cosmogenic nuclide production rates using analytical approximations to atmospheric cosmic-ray fluxes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386, 149–160.


#> function (h, Rc, s) 
#> {
#>     x = h * 1.019716
#>     E = 10^seq(0, 5.301, length.out = 200)
#>     scaling = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(Rc), ncol = 6))
#>     colnames(scaling) <- c("Rc", "pflux", "P3p", "P10p", "P14p", 
#>         "P26p")
#>     scaling$Rc = Rc
#>     phiPtot_d = matrix(rep(0, length(Rc) * length(E)), nrow = length(Rc), 
#>         ncol = length(E))
#>     A = 1
#>     Z = 1
#>     Ep = 938.27
#>     U = (4 - 1.675) * pi * A/Z * 1e-07
#>     Rc[Rc < 1] = 1
#>     smin = 400
#>     smax = 1200
#>     a1 = 2.1153
#>     a2 = 0.44511
#>     a3 = 0.010064
#>     a4 = 0.039564
#>     a5 = 2.9236
#>     a6 = 2.7076
#>     a7 = 12663
#>     a8 = 4828.8
#>     a9 = 32822
#>     a10 = 7437.8
#>     a11 = 3.4643
#>     a12 = 1.6752
#>     a13 = 1.3691
#>     a14 = 2.0665
#>     a15 = 108.33
#>     a16 = 2301.3
#>     Etoa = E + a1 * x
#>     Rtoa = 0.001 * sqrt((A * Etoa)^2 + 2 * A * Ep * Etoa)/Z
#>     Elis = rep(0, length(E))
#>     Beta = rep(0, length(E))
#>     Rlis = rep(0, length(E))
#>     phiTOA = rep(0, length(E))
#>     phiLIS = rep(0, length(E))
#>     phiSec = rep(0, length(E))
#>     phiPtot = rep(0, length(E))
#>     p10p = rep(0, length(E))
#>     c11 = 1.256
#>     c12 = 0.003226
#>     c13 = -4.8077e-06
#>     c14 = 2.2825e-09
#>     c21 = 0.43783
#>     c22 = -0.00055759
#>     c23 = 7.8388e-07
#>     c24 = -3.8671e-10
#>     c31 = 0.00018102
#>     c32 = -5.1754e-07
#>     c33 = 7.5876e-10
#>     c34 = -3.822e-13
#>     c41 = 1.7065
#>     c42 = 0.00071608
#>     c43 = -9.322e-07
#>     c44 = 5.2665e-10
#>     b1 = c11 + c12 * x + c13 * x^2 + c14 * x^3
#>     b2 = c21 + c22 * x + c23 * x^2 + c24 * x^3
#>     b3 = c31 + c32 * x + c33 * x^2 + c34 * x^3
#>     b4 = c41 + c42 * x + c43 * x^2 + c44 * x^3
#>     h11min = 0.0024354
#>     h11max = 0.002545
#>     h12min = -6.0339e-05
#>     h12max = -7.1807e-05
#>     h13min = 0.0021951
#>     h13max = 0.001458
#>     h14min = 6.6767
#>     h14max = 6.915
#>     h15min = 0.93228
#>     h15max = 0.99366
#>     h21min = 0.0077872
#>     h21max = 0.0076828
#>     h22min = -9.5771e-06
#>     h22max = -2.4119e-06
#>     h23min = 0.00062229
#>     h23max = 0.00066411
#>     h24min = 7.7842
#>     h24max = 7.7461
#>     h25min = 1.8502
#>     h25max = 1.9431
#>     h31min = 0.9634
#>     h31max = 0.97353
#>     h32min = 0.0015974
#>     h32max = 0.0010577
#>     h33min = -0.071179
#>     h33max = -0.021383
#>     h34min = 2.232
#>     h34max = 3.0058
#>     h35min = 0.788
#>     h35max = 0.91845
#>     h41min = 0.0078132
#>     h41max = 0.0073482
#>     h42min = 9.7085e-11
#>     h42max = 2.5598e-05
#>     h43min = 0.00082392
#>     h43max = 0.0012457
#>     h44min = 8.5138
#>     h44max = 8.1896
#>     h45min = 2.3125
#>     h45max = 2.9368
#>     h51 = 0.191
#>     h52 = 0.0703
#>     h53 = -0.645
#>     h54 = 2.03
#>     h55 = 1.3
#>     h61 = 0.000571
#>     h62 = 6.13e-06
#>     h63 = 0.000547
#>     h64 = 1.11
#>     h65 = 0.837
#>     for (a in 1:length(Rc)) {
#>         Elis = Etoa + s[a] * Z/A
#>         Beta = sqrt(1 - (Ep/(Ep + Elis * A))^2)
#>         Rlis = 0.001 * sqrt((A * Elis)^2 + 2 * A * Ep * Elis)/Z
#>         C = a7 + a8/(1 + exp((Elis - a9)/a10))
#>         phiTOA = (C * (Beta^a5)/(Rlis^a6)) * (Rtoa/Rlis)^2
#>         phiPri = (U/Beta) * phiTOA * (a2 * exp(-a3 * x) + (1 - 
#>             a2) * exp(-a4 * x))
#>         g1min = h11min + h12min * Rc[a] + h13min/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h14min)/h15min))
#>         g1max = h11max + h12max * Rc[a] + h13max/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h14max)/h15max))
#>         g2min = h21min + h22min * Rc[a] + h23min/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h24min)/h25min))
#>         g2max = h21max + h22max * Rc[a] + h23max/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h24max)/h25max))
#>         g3min = h31min + h32min * Rc[a] + h33min/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h34min)/h35min))
#>         g3max = h31max + h32max * Rc[a] + h33max/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h34max)/h35max))
#>         g4min = h41min + h42min * Rc[a] + h43min/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h44min)/h45min))
#>         g4max = h41max + h42max * Rc[a] + h43max/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - 
#>             h44max)/h45max))
#>         phiPmin = g1min * (exp(-g2min * x) - g3min * exp(-g4min * 
#>             x))
#>         phiPmax = g1max * (exp(-g2max * x) - g3max * exp(-g4max * 
#>             x))
#>         g5 = h51 + h52 * Rc[a] + h53/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - h54)/h55))
#>         g6 = h61 + h62 * Rc[a] + h63/(1 + exp((Rc[a] - h64)/h65))
#>         f3 = g5 + g6 * x
#>         f2 = (phiPmin - phiPmax)/(smin^f3 - smax^f3)
#>         f1 = phiPmin - f2 * smin^f3
#>         phiP = f1 + f2 * s[a]^f3
#>         phiSec = (phiP * b1 * E^b2)/(1 + b3 * E^b4)
#>         Ec = (sqrt((1000 * Rc[a] * Z)^2 + Ep^2) - Ep)/A
#>         Es = a13 * (Ec - a14 * x)
#>         Es1 = max(a15, Es)
#>         Es2 = max(a16, Es)
#>         phiPtot = phiPri * (tanh(a11 * (E/Es1 - 1)) + 1)/2 + 
#>             phiSec * (tanh(a12 * (1 - E/Es2)) + 1)/2
#>         phiPtot_d[a, ] = phiPtot
#>         clipindex = (E >= 1)
#>         scaling$P3p[a] = (pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$OpxHe3T) + 
#>             pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$SipxHe3T/2)) * 
#>             XSectsReedyAll$Natoms3 * 1e-27 * 31536000
#>         scaling$P10p[a] = (pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$O16pxBe10) + 
#>             pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$SipxBe10/2)) * 
#>             XSectsReedyAll$Natoms10 * 1e-27 * 31536000
#>         scaling$P14p[a] = (pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$O16pxC14) + 
#>             pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$SipxC14/2)) * 
#>             XSectsReedyAll$Natoms14 * 1e-27 * 31536000
#>         scaling$P26p[a] = pracma::trapz(E, phiPtot * XSectsReedyAll$SipxAl26) * 
#>             XSectsReedyAll$Natoms26 * 1e-27 * 31536000
#>         scaling$pflux[a] = pracma::trapz(E[clipindex], phiPtot[clipindex])
#>     }
#>     res = list(E, phiPtot_d, scaling)
#>     names(res) <- c("E", "phiPtot_d", "scaling")
#>     return(res)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x56376eb12c70>
#> <environment: namespace:TCNtools>