Compute muons production profile as a function of depth below the surface z (g/cm2) and site atmospheric pressure h (hPa). According to model 1A from Balco (2017)
mu_model1a(z, h, cst)
depth below the surface z (g/cm2)
site atmospheric pressure h (hPa)
list of nuclide specific parameters (see below)
Adapted from G. Balco matlab code
Balco, G. (2017). Production rate calculations for cosmic-ray-muon-produced 10Be and 26Al benchmarked against geological calibration data. Quaternary Geochronology, 39, 150–173.
cst is a list containing nuclide-specific constants, as follows: cst$Natoms - atom number density of the target atom (atoms/g) cst$k_neg - summary cross-section for negative muon capture (atoms/muon) cst$sigma190 - 190 GeV x-section for fast muon production (cm2)